Entrelineas: audio & performance art

Audio score for video performance art.


idea original: Nayla Altamirano cámara y edición: Moisés Regla arte sonoro: Logan Phillips vestuario: Gamaliel Islas performance: Oriana Jimenez y Nayla Altamirano asistente: Ary Ehrenberg agradecimientos: f4 libre / Marcos Rossi

México 2010

Pies Sobre La Urbe: audio / parkour / videoarte

Here is a short piece of videoarte done by my homeboy Carlos Altamirano in México, DF. I collaborated and did the audio for the piece, something I love to do and was happy to have been asked. Carlos did the piece as part of UNAM's ArteShock, which was a televised competition between artists in different categories, almost like a poetry slam for all kinds of different disciplines. And he won the videoarte category! Without further ado, Pies Sobre la Urbe:

Bat Night in Tucson

Video from last September's Bat Night 2009 in Tucson, Arizona. The event, sponsored by the Rillito River Project, seeks to bring attention to the disappearing rivers of the southwestern United States. I was asked by spectacle experts Flam Chen to participate in their commission for the event, and I wrote a custom poem for the event, which I'll be posting soon. Check the video below. The poetry starts around 2:10: