Running with Ove & el poema japones

So this week has been insane in a land of insanity. My man Oveous Maximus from NYC arrived in the PHX at 12:45 Monday morning, I picked him up & we drove to Sedona. I again spent all of Monday in Sedona Red Rock High School, teaching with Christopher Lane as part of NORAZ Poet's Young Voices, Be Heard program. The lesson of the week was haiku. Now let's get this straight. I have never come across a haiku written in Spanish, and after talking it up with some Lit professors I know, it doesn't sound like it's very common. So I say it's never been done, which means that the Spanish-speaking students of SRRH wrote some of the first Spanish haiku ever. Yes indeed. These kids rock. Un poema japones, viene de un juego que jugaba los poetas japoneses hace tres siglos. Está caraterizido por ser corto, como un pedazo de la vida, usualmente se trata de la naturaleza. Imaginense una foto poetico... no se puede incluir todo ¿no? Por eso, eligimos una imagen y la presentamos en menos de diez palabras...

Then the FlagSlam Tuesday night, Ove rocked the house and I got it all recorded crystal clear. Look for it soon on a compliation of the 2004-05 FlagSlam features... We performed on Wednesday at NAU as part of the University Hunger Project, another cool, if very different, gig. We freestyled together for the last poem of the night, there will be video of that online sometime in the future.

So that's life, remembering that the poetry is the fire in the piston... Ove discovering silence in the Grand Canyon and stars in the night sky...