So word just came down on the 2005 NORAZ Semifinals: I'll be slamming in Sedona at the Canyon Moon Theatre a week from tomorrow: Friday, April 1st. This is going to be an absolute blast. Hearts will be broken, that's for sure, but nothing is for certain, which makes all of this so much fun. Get your tickets early, they'll sell out by early next week. Oh, and the one and only Danny Solis from Albuquerque will be the featured poet. He's one of my favorites, I've learned a lot from him. So come to Sedona! The full list:
April 1, at the Canyon Moon Theatre in Sedona o Sharkie Marado o Al Moyer o Sarah Knurr o Aaron Johnson o Kimmy Wilgus o Ryan Guide o Justin Powell o Logan Phillips o Doc Luben
April 12, at Studio One Eleven in Flagstaff o Greg Nix o Christopher Lane o Patrick DuHaine o Eric Larson o Christopher Fox Graham o Rowie Shebala o Lindsay Chamberlain o Meghan Jones