7:30pm. All-ages. Donation.I'll be performing a full feature set, I believe with an open mic to follow. First show in the States in over four months!
Directions: Hwy 80 thru Tombstone to Bisbee. Come down hill after the tunnel to 2nd exit. This will put you at stop sign on Main St (aka Tombstone Canyon). Turn left, go approx. 1 block. There will be a parking lot on your left, Mining and Historic Museum on the right (a large red brick building with wrought iron fence around it and mining equipment in the yard ). Turn right on street (Brewery Gulch) just before the museum, then immediate left behind the museum. This will run you between museum and Copper Queen hotel. Continue on that street, keep curving to the right; 2 buildings past the hotel you will be facing the gate in a 10' tall chain link fence -- that is Central School Project parking lot.
Doorbell directory is on wall to left of main door. Ring Michael Gregory.