It's been a bit without action on this site, I know, but that's on its way to changing. I plan to have a whole lot more to say this spring than I did during the fall. But first, there's a couple things I'd like to say. I don't think I can make any New Years resolutions until I give some thanks for the Old Year. First off, thanks to the regular readers of this site. You know who you are. Even if you haven't commented on anything or shot me an email, I still know you're there (stats, you know), and it encourages me to keep writing. Aquí en México la vida es una lucha, and this site is one of the connections to the wider world that keeps me firing.
Next, to anyone who has supported me in even the smallest way in 2006, know that I haven't forgotten it. After touring through five states and visiting seven countries, I have truly learned the meaning of generosity. It often comes in tiny but potent doses. A kind word, a smile, encouragements, they all add up to a greater sum than their parts. And to those of you who bought a book or a shirt. And those who have bought me a drink or given me the occasional and beloved "twenty dollar handshake," know that you've made all of this possible.
Some recent fotos of the holidaze, taken by me.